Author name: Samsung C&T Global PR Manager

The Samsung C&T Global PR Manager can be reached at cnt.pr@samsung.com.

Samsung C&T helps turn cities smart

As cities get busier and denser, people dream of an urban life that minimizes travel times with real-time information and provides convenience through remote work opportunities, while also managing carbon emissions. Such a so-called “smart city” is the urban environment of the future that can make our lives more convenient and efficient. Let us learn …

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Challenges of building in the Middle East

The countries of the Middle East are seeking to develop a variety of their resources, most notably by diversifying their economies. Additionally, the region is making efforts to develop its tourism industry. For these and other reasons, various large-scale construction projects are taking place in the Middle East. Naturally, all construction sites post challenges, so …

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Bringing emotional vitamins to workers: Samsung C&T’s Experience Innovation Academy

Over the last ten years, Samsung C&T Resort Group has been developing and fine-tuning a mental well-being program and now hopes to bring “emotional vitamins” to people throughout Korea in the near future.   It has long been realized that working in the service sector can be stressful and emotionally taxing. But any kind of …

Bringing emotional vitamins to workers: Samsung C&T’s Experience Innovation Academy Read More »

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