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Market Inside & Beyond
Largest sources of non-combustible renewable electricity in the United States, 2022

How much do you know about synthetic resins?
Synthetic resins can be adjusted to determine the desired properties of the resulting plastic.

How Much Do You Know About Methanol?
The global methanol market is forecast to reach USD 38 billion by 2028, rising from USD 30.9 billion in 2023 at a CAGR of 4.2%.

How Much Do You Know About Methanol?
There are thousands of applications of methanol, including many in our daily lives. These include gasoline, plywood, and high-performance plastics.

over 50 percent of the world’s food supply comes from chemical fertilizers such as ammonia-based products

Having been established in 1996, Samsung C&T’s Accra Office is a busy base in the West African region with jurisdiction over 10 nearby countries.

When we talk about renewable energy today, we are usually referring to the way these same natural sources are harnessed to produce electricity.

Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group’s renewable energy business areas include solar and wind, while it is also active in the field of green hydrogen

The group’s solar power development business mainly performs steps 1-4, which demonstrates the whole process from conception to completion.

battery recycling_infographic_1
After several years of use in an EV, batteries will still typically have around 80 percent of their original capacity.

The significant potential of the battery materials recycling market is underscored by the forecast that it will reach US$64 billion by 2032, up from US$28 billion in 2022.

Materials sourced from recycling batteries can find their way into a number of other applications.

Let's make a cool and safe construction site this summer!
3 essential rules to prevent heatstroke! 1. Water 2. Shade 3. Rest

Workers’ rights to exercise stop-work authority play an important role in preventing safety accidents.

95% would strongly recommend colleagues use stop-work authority.

Global EV sales are set to jump 35% this year, meaning 14 million more EVs on the road

The EV charging infrastructure market is expected to soar at a CAGR of 31.02% between 2023 and 2030

In the future, hydrogen can be used much more widely such as in transportation, buildings, and power generation.

Tanjong Pagar Center
The newly opened, Samsung C&T constructed landmark now dominates the local skyline

Annual solar power growth is faster than expected, peaking in 2033. And, despite commodity prices and inflation, solar is still one of the cheapest power sources.

Africa leads the world in solar power potential, followed by Central & South America and then North America. This chart shows average long-term practical potential solar energy output by global region.

The 10/20 Protection Rule
A lifeguard who spots someone in trouble needs to respond in 10 seconds and reach the person in 20 seconds.

Potential Of Indian Market
India is expected to have the second biggest purchasing power in the world in 2060.

Safety is a prime concern on any construction site, and the construction industry continues to seek ways to reduce accidents.

What Is Ammoni Used For?
Ammonia is the main ingredient in nitrogen fertilizers, which account for more than half of global fertilizer demand.

LNG demand is likely to remain strong in 2023 driven by demand from China and Europe. Below are the major LNG shipping routes of 2021.

LNG carriers are designed and constructed to safely carry cryogenic LNG. Moss and membrane type tank systems are accepted worldwide as LNG containment systems, with each type having its own distinctive advantages.

Fire can also occur in the insulation materials that are essential at construction sites. To prevent fires associated with these materials, the following safety precautions are suggested:

Semiconductors are a crucial element in modern electronics, as witnessed by the impressive global revenue growth over the last decade.

What Is A Football Made Of?
Since 1986, there has been a rise in the use of footballs made of synthetic leather, and water absorption has decreased. And in recent years, polyurethane (PU) material has been in the spotlight.

A tower crane is a machine that is fixed in place on a construction site to lift and lower heavy materials.

Ethanol Market Size And Forecast
Demand for E10 fuel has become a major growth engine for the ethanol market.

What If Every Car In Europe Used E10?
E10 has been progressively rolled out across Europe since 2009 and is currently available in 15 EU countries and the UK. If every car in Europe used E10, each country would see a pollution reduction effect as if the following number of cars had been kept off the road.

Types of Polyurethane
The nature of polyurethane allows it to be adapted to solve challenging problems, to be molded into unusual shapes, and to enhance industrial and consumer products.

Applications of Polyurethane
Polyurethane products have many uses. It is almost impossible to detail all the uses of polyurethane, but let's find out generally where polyurethane is being used.

Polyurethane Global Market Volume
The global market volume of polyurethane, which was nearly 24.7 million metric tons in 2021, is expected to grow to 29.2 million tons in 2029.

Green hydrogen, from production to use
Green hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be used in many different applications.

How Solar Power Works
When the sun shines onto a solar panel, energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. This energy creates an electrical charge that moves in response to an internal electrical field in the cell, causing electricity to flow.

Development Timeline for Solar Power Plants
The development of utility-scale solar projects is a long and complex process, requiring extensive expertise. Let's quickly look at the steps, and the time they generally take.

Comparison of Inorganic vs. Organic Fertilizers
Inorganic fertilizers are inorganic nutrients made of natural substances such as phosphor, sulfur, potassium chloride, ammonia, etc. And organic fertilizers are nutrients produced by maturing the remains of animals and plants.

The Seven Steps of International Shipping
With each step there is a cost associated which cost that must be settled by someone, typically the shipper or the consignee. In order to cost surprises and unnecessary delays in your supply chain, it is important to clearly agree who pays what for each of these 7 steps.

How Does a Lithium-Ion Battery Work?
Lithium-ion batteries generate electricity through redox reactions caused by electrons separated from lithium ions moving between the cathode and anode materials. When the cathode and anode are connected with a wire, the electrons in the anode materials move to the cathode materials and are discharged, and when an external voltage is applied to the battery, the electrons in the cathode materials move to the anode materials and are charged.

The Roadmap for Hydrogen Applications Overt the Next Decade
Hydrogen is described as an energy carrier with great potential for clean, efficient power in stationary, portable and transport applications.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Society
Hydrogen fuel does not generate any CO2 when used, and fuel cells allow efficient extraction of electricity and heat. In addition, the use of renewable energy during the production of hydrogen fuel is expected to lead to total decarbonization from production to use.

Types of Fuel Cells
Fuel cells are classified primarily by the kind of electrolyte they employ. This classification determines the kind of electro-chemical reactions that take place in the cell, the catalysts required, the temperature range in which the cell operates, the fuel required, and most other factors. These characteristics, in turn, affect the applications for which these cells are most suitable.

Percent progress of the Energy transformation
The energy crisis has highlighted the need to increase the supply of renewable energy.

How 3D Printing in Construction Works
See the steps involved in 3D printing in the construction industry.

Interesting Facts About Solar Energy
The future is looking bright with solar energy. Solar power projects are growing and becoming more and more attractive for a variety of reasons. There are some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about solar.

Solar PV Power Generation in the Net Zero Scenario
Solar PV power generation is increasing every year, but more effort is needed to reach 2030 Net Zero levels and 2050 Net Zero Scenario.

The 5 Most Common Types of Containers
Depending on the type of products to be shipped or the special services needed from them, container units may vary in dimension, structure, materials, construction, etc. Here we list 5 types of shipping containers.

An illustration of a negative pressure ventilation system.
Blue represents positive air pressure, and red represents negative pressure.

World LNG Imports and Exports By Region
A Strong LNG rebound this year after 2020's decline is expected to take demand above pre-COVID-19 levels, followed by more moderate increases. Let's take a look at the LNG situation by region.

Materials Required for EV Manufacturing
Manufacturing EVs requires a lot of raw materials such as steel, copper, plastic, and rubber, and it is difficult to list them all. Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group is trading key raw materials required for EV manufacturing through a global network.

Share of Oil Consumption By Sector
Crude oil is refined into petroleum products that people use for many different purposes.

Crude Oil Price Fluctuations Over Last 5 years
Crude oil prices plummeted in early 2020 at the same time as the pandemic struck.

Global Battery Recycling Market Outlook
As of early December 2021, lithium prices rose 410 percent from the average price in 2020.

Battery life in a Circular Economy Perspective
Old batteries could be seen as a gold mine, creating a circular economy in which used batteries are recycled and reused in the EVs of the future, even decades from now.

From Waste to Wingtip - The Production Journey for Sustainable Aviation Fuel
The aviation industry has a goal of halving total carbon emissions by 2050, relative to 2005 levels. And the adoption of SAF is a key part of achieving this goal.

Process from LNG Production to Edn-user
The LNG Value Chain encompasses the production, processing, and conversion of natural gas to LNG, its long-distance transportation, and regasification, as it travels from the wellhead to end-users.

Dfs Using Hierarchy of Controls (Source: NISOH/PtD – Prevention Through Design)
Dfs Using Hierarchy of Controls (Source: NISOH/PtD – Prevention Through Design)

Time/Safety Influence Curve (Source: Szymberski, 1987)
Time/Safety Influence Curve (Source: Szymberski, 1987)

Plastic Chemical Recycling Value Chain
Waste plastic can also be recycled through chemical processes. Waste plastics can contribute to the circular economy by being reborn as high-value products such as pyrolysis oil.

Plastic Recycling Process
The process of collecting, cleaning, and melting waste plastics is the world's most traditional method of recycling plastics.

Middle East Fertilizer Market Outlook
In 2020, the region was the world's second-largest DAP exporter, accounting for 20.8% of global DAP exports and 10% of global DAP production. This region's fertilizer industry is evolving and continues to grow as regional producers are capturing new growth opportunities within and without.

Main Parts of a Cable-stayed Bridge
It may appear similar to a suspension bridge, but, in fact, it is very different in principle and in the method of construction. It consists of a continuous strong girder with one or more pillars or towers in the middle. The cables are anchored to the tower rather than at the ends.

Main Parts of a Suspension Bridge
One of the most common bridge types is the suspension bridge. It consists of a deck, a long, continuous path suspended by strong cables anchored at both ends.

Myths and Facts about Solar Farms
Solar power is rapidly growing and there are a lot of myths regarding it. Many of the misperceptions about solar farms are based on outdated or incorrect information. Let's take this opportunity to solve the misunderstanding of solar farms.

A Brief History of Solar Energy
Solar energy as we know it today has been around in some form or another far, far longer than you might have thought. LEt's check out the history of solar power below!

Solar Share of Electricity Generation for G20 Countries
Global solar generation rose 23% in 2021. It was the fastest-rising source of electricity generation for the 17th year running >Generation rose year-on-year by 188 TWh to 1023 TWh. Solar generated 3.7% of the world's electricity in 2021. This was up from just 1.1% in 2015, when the Paris Agreement was signed.

Top 5 Uses of Sulfuric Acid
Sulfuric acid has many uses among a broad expanse of industries and is one of the most important industrial chemicals. Let's take a look at the five most common uses of sulfuric acid.