Samsung C&T ranks 1st in 2020 Construction Capability Assessment for 7th consecutive year

Samsung C&T has again ranked 1st for the 7th consecutive year in the “2020 Construction Capability Assessment” announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) of Korea, and has widened its gap with 2nd place as well.

Every year, MOLIT announces the Construction Capability Assessment that comprehensively evaluates construction performance, management status, technological ability, and credit rating of all the construction companies nationwide in order to help procurement departments with their choices of appropriate construction companies. It is published in late July and goes into effect August 1.

In the “2020 Construction Capability Assessment,” Samsung C&T ranks 1st place with 20.8461 trillion won in civil engineering construction. This value is 8.45 trillion won higher than the 12.3953 trillion won at 2nd place, a significant gap increase with 2nd place year-on-year.

Out of the four assessment items, Samsung C&T ranks 1st place in 3 sectors: construction performance, management evaluation, and credit rating.

In the construction performance sector, Samsung C&T achieved 1st place in civil engineering construction based on its excellent construction capabilities. Especially, it showed outstanding capability in the civil engineering specialties of dams, airports, and subways, as well as exhibiting a large gap with 2nd place in mining and manufacturing industry construction.

Besides construction performance, Samsung C&T’s profit continues to grow through its management strategy focusing on profitability based on the solid financial structure of a high credit rating and low debt ratio. Based on it, Samsung C&T recorded remarkably high figures compared to other construction companies in the management evaluation and credit rating sectors.

A total of 66,868 construction companies were looked at for this construction capability assessment, which is 89% of the 75,523 construction companies in Korea.