

A world of 2023 snowmen at Everland

Each season, Everland shows the world a new face. Korea’s premiere theme park is transformed every few months to delight visitors young and old with a new theme that suits the time of year. Can you count all 2,023 snowmen (and snow women and snow bunnies)? From Dec. 1, 2022

Fall in love with Everland in autumn

Autumn in Korea is always bursting with natural beauty. The skies seem bluer and higher than the rest of the year, and the sight of red, orange, and yellow leaves as they rain down from the trees seem like something from a gallery of impressionist art. The autumn landscape at

A smarter way to play golf

Autumn with its blue skies, cool breezes, green grass, and brightly colored leaves is a great time to play a round of golf. The popularity of this outdoor sport is enjoying a resurgence in the aftermath of the pandemic, as people are keen to engage in physical activity in small

Everland celebrates World Animal Day with tiger theme

October is World Animal Month and Oct. 4 is World Animal Day, so it was the right time for Korean theme park Everland to hold its own World Animal Day event with the theme “Save the Tigers, Save the Forest.” The event was held together with the Korea Green Foundation,

Mar Caribe shows its new autumnal face

Spring 2022 saw the opening of Caribbean Bay’s new Mar Caribe Bayside Café. Now that fall is here and the weather is changing, it is time for this mini resort named after the Spanish for “Caribbean Sea” to show its new face. Mar Caribe has undergone both a makeover and

Halloween meets Squid Game at Everland

Halloween is a time when people like to feel chills of fear and the hair standing up on the back of their necks from sudden frights. Every year around this time at Everland, Korea’s premier theme park run by Samsung C&T Resort Group, there is a Halloween festival to thrill

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