Caribbean Bay’s extraordinary measures keeping visitors as safe as possible

It has been a month now since Caribbean Bay re-opened with a greatly enhanced focus on safety and security. The way that the water park has approached public health has created an experience quite different from what park-goers are used to and has even attracted international attention. It illustrates that Caribbean Bay is committed to giving its guests a memorable experience while protecting their health in every way possible.

Usually, the park opens sometime in April. But this year, before opening its gates on June 5, Caribbean Bay was careful to set up a set of guidelines that abides by the requirements of both the Korean government and also international authorities including the World Waterpark Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Starting even before entry

Caribbean Bay’s new guidelines start before visitors even enter the park. The first guideline requires visitors to answer questions about their recent travel and potential symptoms that may indicate any danger to other park attendees. The questionnaire is available through a QR code at the entrance of the park. Caribbean Bay staff also check the temperatures of visitors and ask them to use the supplied hand sanitizer before entering.

Left: A park attendant, wearing a mask, shows the new questionnaire that visitors need to fill out before visiting Caribbean Bay. Right: A park attendant checks the temperature of a potential visitor at the entrance to the park.

To pass through the gates, each guest must be wearing a mask and they are advised to keep their masks on except when they are in the water. Caribbean Bay also offers complimentary waterproof plastic bags in which visitors can keep their masks dry when not in use.

Lifeguards place their masks in waterproof bags to protect them while testing a ride before the park opens.

Safety extends to each aspect of the park, especially when in the water. The park monitors its pools and spas in real time with automatic water quality meters. In addition, all facilities are disinfected once an hour, and all ride equipment is disinfected after every use.

Keeping a safe distance

Guidelines continue to protect those who visit Caribbean Bay’s showers and lockers by preventing congestion and giving them the space they need. Only every eleventh locker is available to guests, making sure that each guest is separated by a nine-locker distance while they are changing. Also, guests are advised to only use every other shower, making sure that one shower’s width of distance also separates guests.

Illustrations from Caribbean Bay’s guidelines show how to maintain social distancing while using their facilities.

The social distancing continues at the rides and attractions at Caribbean Bay. The park has also drastically reduced its visitor limit. The staff has put up signs reminding people to maintain a safe distance in rides and also when waiting in lines. But with the lower amount of people in the park, lines are practically nonexistent now.

Colorful footprints have been painted on this stairway to remind ride goers to stay far apart when standing in line.

International attention

The reopening of Caribbean Bay and the lengths that the water park has gone to in order to keep its visitors safe has attracted the attention of international media. In a recent article syndicated in several publications, including the New York Times, Reuters outlined some of the park’s measures to keep people safe, and interviewed some of the visitors, who said that they did indeed feel safe. With the guidelines that it has in place, Caribbean Bay is doing its best to maintain a healthy environment for all its visitors.

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