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Challenges of building in the Middle East

The countries of the Middle East are seeking to develop a variety of their resources, most notably by diversifying their economies. Additionally, the region is making efforts to develop its tourism industry. For these and other reasons, various large-scale construction projects are taking place in the Middle East. Naturally, all

Fun and games for all the family at Everland

When was the last time you enjoyed playing games with your family? If it’s been a long while, then maybe it’s time to do it again. Everland, Korea’s premier theme park, is now holding a 2023 Game Culture Festival until Nov. 12. Together with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and

The value of water and how to ensure a constant supply of it

Water is the one natural resource that we cannot survive for more than a few days without. But the world faces a crisis of water resources brought upon by desertification due to climate change on the one hand and the demand for water that is potable (able to be drunk)

Three ways to enjoy Everland this autumn

It’s no secret that autumn – or fall, if you prefer – is one of the most beautiful seasons in Korea. The weather is spectacular, the skies high and blue, and the leaves on the trees turn the most gorgeous colors before eventually falling to the ground.   What do

Black and gray are the new black

The New York Times saw it coming way back in March: Its fashion review of that month’s Paris Fashion Week was titled “What You Really Need Next Season is a Big Black Coat.” After last year’s bright and flashy revival of Y2K looks and this year’s march through all the

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