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It’s two girls! Panda twins born at Everland

Twin giant pandas have been born at Everland Zoo, a first for Korea. Proud panda parents Ai Bao (爱宝, age 9, female) and Le Bao (乐宝, age 10, male) mated naturally, without artificial breeding techniques, and in the early hours of July 7 Ai Bao gave birth to two female

Getting to know battery recycling

At a glance​ Increasing global battery demand is raising the need for a circular battery value chain EV battery retirements alone could surpass half a million vehicle batteries every year by 2030 The battery materials recycling market is expected to reach US$64 billion by 2032 Batteries are hidden all around

Water Stellar: The mysterious water planet arrives at Everland

“Summer is here, and the time is right for spraying water at those you meet.” These are not the original lyrics of the song “Dancing in the Street” that David Bowie and Mick Jagger covered, but they might as well be, because during Everland’s water-filled festival until late August, H20

Samsung C&T secures safe construction sites in summer

Every weather type carries its own challenges and risks on construction sites. Just as there are essential tips on how to safely construct in the wintertime, we must take care when working in summer too. Summer weather events that can raise risks on construction sites not only include high temperatures

What to wear on a rainy summer’s day?

Summer brings with it not just heat but also, depending on where you live, frequent and sometimes heavy rain. In such sultry climates, a summer wardrobe needs to have some strategic items that can dry quickly on a rainy day and can look bright and attractive even when dark clouds

Free-form structures: Buildings that seem to move

If a building gives the appearance of moving or flowing, chances are it is a free-form structure. The label “free-form” is not so much an architectural term as a catch-all that incorporates elements of various styles and techniques; what they all have in common is breaking free from conventional shapes.

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