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Passion & Expertise: DNA of a trader’s knowhow

When you imagine steel trading, it might be easy to overlook many of the intricate areas of expertise that can mean the difference between success and failure. In this latest edition of our Passion & Expertise series, we’re going to dive a little deeper into some of the most important

Tackling lawn-standing problems at football pitches using science

When you think about places that need healthy, lush coverage of green grass, golf courses and football fields probably spring quickly to mind. Samsung C&T Resort Group, which manages no fewer than 6 golf clubs in Korea, has been sharing its proprietary knowledge and accumulated experience of growing pristine lawns

Construction sites made safer by stop-work authority

In any industry these days, safety is the top priority. This is particularly true in industries where heavy equipment is used and work is done at great heights, such as in the construction sector, and it is why efforts to prevent accidents are essential. Around the world, construction companies are

Summer styling to look cool in the heat

Summer is upon us, and as the mercury keeps creeping closer to 30 degrees Celsius, people are looking for cooler garments to wear outdoors. Fashion stores have already put their summer wear items on prominent display, causing workers and students itching for a vacation to eye cool clothing to find

Getting to know EV charging infrastructure

At a glance​ Global EV sales are set to jump 35% this year, meaning 14 million more EVs on the road There are 2.7 million public charging points for EVs globally, though availability varies significantly The EV charging infrastructure market is expected to soar at a CAGR of 31.02% between

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