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SC&T Office Spotlight: Riyadh

As we continue our sweep across Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group’s dozens of global offices, we move northwards from our most recent Office Spotlight installments in Accra and Nairobi to the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region. More specifically, we now land in the capital of Saudi Arabia,

Samsung C&T announces new leadership

On Nov. 28, 2023, Samsung C&T announced new leadership. It has nominated Trading & Investment (T&I) Group’s Executive Vice President Lee Jae-eon for the role of president & CEO of the Samsung C&T T&I Group. Previously Executive Vice President and concurrently head of both Samsung C&T T&I Group’s Corporate Planning

Samsung C&T helps turn cities smart

As cities get busier and denser, people dream of an urban life that minimizes travel times with real-time information and provides convenience through remote work opportunities, while also managing carbon emissions. Such a so-called “smart city” is the urban environment of the future that can make our lives more convenient

Getting to know copper

At a glance Copper has been used by people since around 8000 B.C., and its applications continue to expand A bullish estimate suggests that the price of copper could nearly double by 2025 Samsung C&T performs various roles in the copper business, in which it has operated since 1981 There

Remaking fashion for 20 years: Thom Browne

When Thom Browne was young, he didn’t know he was going to become a style icon for the 21th century. He studied economics at university and tried a stint as an actor. But it was when he moved to New York in the late 1990s and began working in luxury

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