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Opening an aperture to the appearance of culture

As every photographer knows, an aperture is the small opening through which light enters a camera to create a lasting image. But now the word has a new meaning: an opening through which culture enters and appears to us. “The Aperture,” made by putting together elements of “appear” and “culture,”

Glass: Making cities shine

The sight of a row of glass-fronted skyscrapers is a quintessential part of the modern cityscape. After steel and cement, glass is one of the key ingredients of contemporary architecture, certainly the most striking. Let’s learn more about the use of glass in architecture. A window onto history Since ancient

Samsung C&T FY 2022 & Q4 2022 earnings

Samsung C&T posted KRW 43.162T in revenue and KRW 2.528T in operating profit for FY 2022, driven by strengthened business fundamentals and competitiveness, despite the global economic slowdown. Its annual performance improved on the back of the Engineering & Construction Group’s solid rate of project progress and increased new orders

Tides of supply and demand: Carrying LNG where it’s needed

At a glance LNG has become “the most geopolitically important fuel” recently The size and scope of LNG shipping has soared since the 20th century Samsung C&T is involved in the LNG business through joint venture investments and agency Few commodity markets have attracted attention quite like liquefied natural gas

Turn up the volume: Bigger is back in fashion

It is time once again to celebrate size – or, to be more correct, oversize. In 2023, the “big and boxy” look is back in style. Formal or informal, whether it is wide jeans or cargo pants paired with a sloppy joe sweatshirt, or big-shouldered business suits that remind one

Tips on safe construction work in winter

Safety is always important on a construction site, but that is even truer in winter when snow, ice, rain, high winds, and low temperatures can add to the risk of slipping, falling, or other types of injuries. Even equipment used during winter to warm the air for workers or to

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