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Looking for fashion gifts? SSF Shop has you covered

What shall I buy for my friends, family, and colleagues for an end-of-year gift? This is the perennial problem that pops up each December. An envelope stuffed with cash or a store voucher hints at a lack of originality or thought, pushing us to think and look a little harder.

Bust the winter blues with Everland’s Snow Buster

It is that wintry time of year again for snowfalls, snowmen, and Everland’s Snow Buster. Korea’s premier snow sledding slope is opening in stages from Dec. 10 to provide thrills and spills to people young and old who want to race downhill for fun. Apart from the Snow Buster, Everland

Qatar’s circle bridges make new city Lusail dazzle

Qatar, host of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, is also home to two of the world’s most striking and unique bridges. Let’s learn about the world’s first circular-pylon suspension bridges constructed by Samsung C&T in the new Qatari coastal city of Lusail, located about 23 kilometers north of the capital

Spotlight on the role of a trader

When people around the world imagine what a trader does, they might think of different jobs. For instance, some would think of financial asset trading, perhaps inspired by the tense drama of movies or TV shows. But when we refer to traders at a trading company like Samsung C&T’s Trading

Making the fabs that make semiconductors

In almost all electronic devices we use these days, from smartphones that help us in daily life to spacecraft that are considered the pinnacle of science, semiconductors are required to function. The growing importance of semiconductors is shown by the solid and impressive revenue growth from sales in the last

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