

Samsung Fashion Institute Rounds Up 2016 Fashion Trends for the New Year

As an integral component of Samsung C&T’s Fashion Group’s research and development program, the Samsung Fashion Institute analyzes trends and conducts consumer research to help brands grow and evolve.  The Institute consistently tracks the fashion industry’s movements in any given year, and for 2016, it took note of several business

Beanpole Outdoor’s Star-Powered ‘Entourage’ Parka

The inspiration behind Beanpole Outdoor’s latest outerwear release is a story of bromance. Named after the Korean remake of a popular American television show, the “Entourage” parka represents more than a garment. It’s a symbol of a multi-layered camaraderie. The show “Entourage” follows an up-and-coming actor in Seoul (portrayed by

The Samsung Fashion & Design Fund Welcomes New Talents for 2017

The Samsung Fashion & Design Fund’s (SFDF) latest set of winners were announced on November 22, marking the 12th year Samsung C&T Fashion Group has worked with young fashion designers to nurture their talents. The SFDF was established in 2005 as an incubator for up-and-coming fashion designers of Korean descent, developing

Pop Culture and Fashion Unite in Samsung C&T’s Character Collaborations

Characters are an active part of our visual language – stemming from movies, cartoons or even technology, they can express an entire culture and its identity.    In fashion, combining styles with a storyline of a certain character can change and update an ordinarily-shaped garment into something much more. A

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