

Thrill-seekers Braced for Caribbean Bay’s Mega Storm Return

Caribbean Bay, Korea’s largest water park, has opened a range of exciting outdoor attractions for early summer, including the popular Mega Storm slide. Other attractions opened last month include Tower Boomerang Go and Tower Raft. This follows the opening of all of the park’s indoor facilities and some of its

Shakespeare and Roses at Everland’s 2016 Annual Rose Festival

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” says the love-smitten heroine of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare, who died 400 years ago this year, lived in a world full of roses and rose-themed symbolism – the flower lent its name to the War of the Roses, a

Furry Arrivals Settle in Everland’s Panda World

Two fuzz-covered VIPs have begun making a new home for themselves at Samsung C&T’s Everland in the all-new Panda World. The new arrivals are a pair of giant pandas: a male called Le Bao (乐宝) (above, left) and a female named Ai Bao (爱宝) (right).  The pandas both hail from

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