Trading & Investment

Trading & Investment

SC&T office spotlight: Johannesburg

As the strongest economy in Southern Africa, and the second biggest in Africa as a whole, South Africa plays an important role both regionally and on the world stage. With a population of nearly 60 million, South Africa is the sixth most populous nation on its continent and is recognized for both

‘Untact’ but undiscouraged: Traders in the new normal

As the world continues to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the world have had to get used to doing business in a physically distanced way. South Korea has even come up with the term “untact” to describe this contactless trend, which has been getting global attention. Samsung C&T

Conducting business with copper

In a world that appears to be changing rapidly, it might feel reassuring that some things remain unwavering. The strong relationship between people and copper is one of these things, as this material has been used by humans to fashion tools and jewelry since ancient times, as we explored in our own

Passion & Expertise: Decades of wisdom wrought from steel

There are few materials in the world that inspire as much strength and endurance in people as steel does. For Samsung C&T’s Trading & Investment Group, steel is taken very seriously as one of its major trading commodities. In fact, the company engages in a range of global steel trading operations,

Passion & Expertise: Following the thread of a career in textiles

If any industry proves the need for a trading company to be flexible and adaptable it is the textile business. As clothing is one of life’s basic necessities, there will always be demand for textiles, but the industry is constantly evolving as supply locations shift and consumption extends from practical

The past, present, and future of logistics

As with most areas of the economy this year, the logistics business is having to evolve fast. We are seeing a kind of acceleration of the Fourth Industrial Revolution with demand for digitalization rising and harnessing the power of technology in every sector. At the basic level, logistics involves the commercial activity

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