Trading & Investment

Trading & Investment

Passion & Expertise: Staying in the moment

Now in her 14th year with Samsung C&T, Jamie Shin is making tremendous strides with the company’s Trading & Investment Group. As a Senior Professional, Shin’s passion and expertise are inspiring her colleagues, but she just takes it one day at a time. “It’s not like I set a specific

Samsung C&T palm plantation recognized as sustainable

There was good news recently for Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group’s palm plantation in Indonesia, which received an eco-friendly stamp of approval when it was certified by the international Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in May. This is the first time that a Korean company operating an Indonesian

Secrets of a polyglot’s success in business

Eldor Makhmudov speaks five languages, travels for much of the year, and appears to have a knack for turning “a crisis into an opportunity.” Originally from Uzbekistan, he is also a family man who has made South Korea his home since earning a government scholarship in 2008. He joined Samsung

Electric vehicle growth accelerates demand for copper

When this spring’s Seoul Motor Show rolled into town, there was a distinctly electric feel to the affair. The biennial exhibition’s central aisle was dominated by electric vehicles (EVs): two-seaters, family sedans, sports cars, motorbikes, and scooters. A cursory glance would have led onlookers to presume battery-powered wheels were taking

Celebrating LNG this Earth Day!

“The most important challenge we face on this planet is to forge a sustainable society during the next four or five decades,” Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson warned nearly 30 years ago. The late American politician’s rallying call appears to be just as relevant today, on Earth Day’s 49th anniversary.

how well do you know steel

How well do you know steel?

We’ve all seen Superman, or the Man of Steel, taking on villains and saving the world on the big screen. Tough and (almost) indestructible, the superhero is a symbol of strength and endurance. But what about steel in real life? What traits and personality would the alloy have if it’s

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