Author name: Samsung C&T Global PR Manager

The Samsung C&T Global PR Manager can be reached at cnt.pr@samsung.com.

Samsung C&T announces coal exit

– Samsung C&T’s board of directors has decided to stop any new coal-related business, including investment, construction, and trading – Ongoing projects will be gradually closed or withdrawn from – The coal exit plan is unprecedented for a nonfinancial company in Korea Samsung C&T’s board of directors announced its decision today to stop any new …

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Building down: Constructing underground spaces for humans

Humankind has long had a fascination with living and moving underground. It’s not surprising, perhaps, since early humans lived in caves and dugouts before they learned to cooperate and construct free-standing shelters. Perhaps this ancestral experience has left its mark on our imaginations. Dante, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Lewis Carroll, CS Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien: …

Building down: Constructing underground spaces for humans Read More »

‘Untact’ but undiscouraged: Traders in the new normal

As the world continues to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the world have had to get used to doing business in a physically distanced way. South Korea has even come up with the term “untact” to describe this contactless trend, which has been getting global attention. Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group has …

‘Untact’ but undiscouraged: Traders in the new normal Read More »

Finding ways to make fashion more sustainable

In a March 2020 article on the BBC website, Christine Ro asked the million-dollar question: “Can fashion ever be sustainable?” As consumers become more interested in knowing about the impact on the environment of their shopping choices and choosing accordingly, it’s a timely thing to ask. The fashion industry is making moves to improve things, …

Finding ways to make fashion more sustainable Read More »

Smart cities: Making everyday life easier and better

Increasing urbanization in our modern developed world shows no signs of stopping. This brings into sharper relief the need for greater sustainability and resource efficiency, and we will need to learn how to live better and smarter together in larger cities while enjoying a good quality of life. The concept of a “smart city” is …

Smart cities: Making everyday life easier and better Read More »

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