Engineering & Construction

Engineering & Construction

Construction’s solid foundation of technological experts

“Construction” is not simply making a building, but rather it’s about creating the “space” that surrounds us. This is the reason why the construction industry needs experts in a wide variety of fields. The Construction Tech Group of Samsung C&T’s Engineering & Construction (E&C) Group employs professionals in such fields

For accident-free construction sites: Stronger safety awareness

On a construction worksite, thorough and effective safety protocols make the difference between a safe workplace and an unsafe one. While modern technology can greatly improve the safeness of a site, it’s also important to properly train people and instill a strong culture of doing things safely. In the previous article,

For accident-free construction sites: Risk-reducing platforms

On a building site, countless workers and pieces of equipment are active at once, carrying out multiple construction processes simultaneously, all in real time. To protect the life and limb of all the human workers and to allow the different moving parts to interact with each other in the same

Building a future for gas with LNG Terminals

In today’s energy industry, power comes from many sources. One major source is natural gas, making up almost a quarter – 23 percent, to be exact – of global energy demand. It’s widely used for electricity generation as well as in domestic cooking and heating. Natural gas is buried deep beneath

Gateways to Korea: Connecting Korea and the world

A nation’s main airport and the infrastructure that connects it to the capital city act as a kind of welcoming gateway to new visitors. The first places a new arrival usually sees upon entering a country are the inside of its airport and the road or rail link to the

Exchanging expert hats: An interview with Jeong Seong-ung

In his 2008 book “Outliers,” author Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that 10,000 hours of practice in any area of expertise is the “magical number of greatness” that will turn a novice in a field into an expert. In this rule, what’s more important than just the number “10,000” is

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