Trading & Investment

Trading & Investment

Driving EVs to new heights part 2: Sustainability through recycling

Amid the rise of the electric vehicle (EV) industry, we recently looked at the growth of the markets for materials needed to produce EV batteries. This second article of a two-part series will focus on another important part of the EV battery supply chain – recycling. Recycling EV batteries plays

Driving EVs to new heights part 1: The materials that make batteries

2021 is shaping up to be a big year for the electric vehicle (EV) market, with related companies enjoying a boost already as EVs progressively move towards mainstream status. From Norway to South Korea, EVs are becoming an increasingly important part of the public and private transport discussion. The most important factor that distinguishes an

Traders transitioning from ‘20 to ‘21

2020 was a challenging year for people across the world in a multitude of sectors. For traders, it was also understandably not easy because of the profound disruption to global trade. Members of Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group felt the impact just like everyone else, as they had to work

Renewing the world through sustainable energy

From the Paris Climate Change Accord to this year’s World Economic Forum and G20 Summit, climate change has been consistently addressed as one of the most important agendas in global society. To slow down global warming, most countries are trying to shift energy sources from fossil fuels to renewable energy, resulting in positive headlines about

Passion & Expertise: The power of working as one

2020 has understandably been a difficult year for businesses and organizations around the world. Trading companies are no exception, as each has striven in its own way to meet the challenges of an unpredictable future and achieve success. In this article, we take a look at one team within Samsung

SC&T office spotlight: Mumbai

It is easy to see why India is considered such an exciting place to do business. Being home to around one-sixth of the global population, the Indian market is the world’s largest only after China. It is also rapidly growing, with demand for almost all items rising fast. And while quality

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