Trading & Investment

Trading & Investment

Getting to know renewable energy

At a glance The world’s renewable electricity capacity is set to rise faster than ever before in 2024 Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group’s renewable energy business areas include solar and wind, while it is also active in the field of green hydrogen The company’s commitment to sustainability also includes

SC&T Office Spotlight: Nairobi

Kenya may be renowned for its natural scenery and wildlife, but the capital Nairobi has also become a thriving urban hub for international organizations and multinational companies. That has created a cosmopolitan atmosphere in the city, where Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group has operated an office since 2012. As

How the solar power development business works

At a glance Solar energy is set to overtake coal as the world’s biggest source of power by 2027 There is a need to diversify and expand solar power development Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group has broadened its focus from North America to Australia and from photovoltaics to energy

Getting to know battery recycling

At a glance​ Increasing global battery demand is raising the need for a circular battery value chain EV battery retirements alone could surpass half a million vehicle batteries every year by 2030 The battery materials recycling market is expected to reach US$64 billion by 2032 Batteries are hidden all around

Passion & Expertise: DNA of a trader’s knowhow

When you imagine steel trading, it might be easy to overlook many of the intricate areas of expertise that can mean the difference between success and failure. In this latest edition of our Passion & Expertise series, we’re going to dive a little deeper into some of the most important

Getting to know EV charging infrastructure

At a glance​ Global EV sales are set to jump 35% this year, meaning 14 million more EVs on the road There are 2.7 million public charging points for EVs globally, though availability varies significantly The EV charging infrastructure market is expected to soar at a CAGR of 31.02% between

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