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How Will Blockchain Technology Affect Trading in 2017?

Bitcoin technology has already been around for almost a decade. But as the year comes to a close, tech experts think they have found a new use for one of its core technologies. All of a sudden, the word on every trade professional’s lips going into 2017 is blockchain –

Caribbean Bay: A Water Park for All Seasons

Going to a water park would probably not top the list of typical winter outings, but Everland’s Caribbean Bay makes for an exception. As one of Korea’s largest water parks, Caribbean Bay’s wide array of indoor attractions gives visitors a well-rounded itinerary for underwater fun and relaxation – even when

Beanpole Outdoor’s Star-Powered ‘Entourage’ Parka

The inspiration behind Beanpole Outdoor’s latest outerwear release is a story of bromance. Named after the Korean remake of a popular American television show, the “Entourage” parka represents more than a garment. It’s a symbol of a multi-layered camaraderie. The show “Entourage” follows an up-and-coming actor in Seoul (portrayed by

Is Augmented Reality Set to Transform Construction?

Change is ongoing in construction, where modern IT breakthroughs now have a very real effect on the industry. Many builders are still getting to grips with incorporating the latest virtual reality (VR) tech into their operations. However, the industry has already started looking beyond VR. IT experts are busy developing a powerful

Together as One: Samsung C&T’s Worldwide Corporate Social Responsibility

For any company to grow, it needs to understand the various roles it should take on as a part of a larger society. Samsung C&T’s Trading & Investment Group, which has dozens of offices around the world, understands the value and importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) – the fabric

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