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Smart home platform ‘Homeniq’

On a hot day, it would be nice to turn on your home air conditioning while still on your commute so that the rooms are cool before you arrive. And what about a coffee machine that brews in time for your breakfast, a vacuum cleaner you can start while away

What is the secret of select shop 10 Corso Como?

“Select shops” are stores that feature a range of brands chosen to target a specific audience. Over the last decade they have appeared and grown in popularity in Korea, making a place for themselves as a place to introduce, incubate, and grow global trends in the local market. Samsung C&T’s

SC&T Office Spotlight: Nairobi

Kenya may be renowned for its natural scenery and wildlife, but the capital Nairobi has also become a thriving urban hub for international organizations and multinational companies. That has created a cosmopolitan atmosphere in the city, where Samsung C&T Trading & Investment Group has operated an office since 2012. As

Wash away the summer heat at Samsung C&T-built water parks

In the relentless heat of the summer sun, people look for ways to cool body and soul. A trip to a water park can be just what we need, allowing us to play, swim, and splash in cool, refreshing water. Did you know that Samsung C&T Engineering & Construction Group,

Let your light shine, o firefly!

For millennia, humans have been fascinated by fireflies, watching them glow as they float lazily through the air against the dark night sky. This year, Korea’s premier theme park Everland is expanding its Midsummer Night’s Firefly Experience Program to give more pleasure to more visitors. WordPress Gallery Extra Everland’s Midsummer

All that glitters is quite bold: metallic is the cool trend

It’s in pants, dresses, bags, and boots – and even on fingernails. Silver, metallic, and all things shiny are on trend this summer. British Vogue magazine called it back in January when it sought to answer the question, “Why will we all fall back in love with silver in 2023?”

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