Engineering & Construction

Smart Series Part 1: How Technology Is Changing the Modern Home
Note: This is the first in a series of articles on the Samsung C&T Newsroom that will examine the ways technological innovations such as smart devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced software, drones and robotics are currently transforming the world of housing, construction, fashion and leisure. Imagine coming back home

More than Meets the Eye: How the DDP Merges Culture and Construction
Forging a new landmark is a lot more challenging than it may seem. In a city such as Seoul, where tall buildings dominate the horizon in all directions, simply building high will not do. New and inventive construction projects spring up every day in the city, so creating novelty is

Room for Growth: Why Soil Quality Matters to Construction Professionals
In a letter to state governors in 1937, then-United States President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, “Soil is our basic asset. The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” Without soil, humankind, which has built its cities in the stuff and fed generations of people with its fruits, would simply cease to

An Underwater Trip Downtown? Samsung C&T Makes it Work with New Award-Winning Expressway in Singapore
Traveling underwater along a school of fish might be a reality not too far away. The Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) is a 5.1-kilometer long expressway which includes a 420-meter tunnel running some 60 meters below sea level. Opened in December 2013, it links existing highways in both East and West

Samsung C&T Villages : Stepping Stones to a Shared Future
A much-needed sip of water to quench thirst, a place to keep warm on a cold night, and a clean toilet free to use when needed – these are some things most people take for granted, while far too many people around the world still lack basic access to. Since

Samsung C&T Project Sites Win Quality & Safety Awards
Samsung C&T (CEO: Chi Hun Choi) was recognized by governments and clients for its outstanding Quality & Safety performance on construction sites in Hong Kong and Singapore, said Samsung C&T on June 7, 2016. Samsung C&T’s Hong Kong metro project SCL C1109 was selected by the Hong Kong Construction Industry