Corporate & Sustainability

Samsung C&T Announces Q3 2018 Results

– Consolidated revenue of KRW 7.781 tn with operating profit of KRW 274 bn – Met market expectations by maintaining quarterly OP in excess of KRW 200 bn, backed by stable performance from E&C, T&I, and Resort groups (*Q3 OP market expectations for C&T: KRW 260bn) – Company to continue to seek

R&I Ups Samsung C&T Rating Outlook on Solid Performance

Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) announced on Thursday that it raised Samsung C&T’s outlook rating from stable to positive. The change reflects the increased profit stability from the Engineering & Construction business and the company’s overall rising earning capacity. Stated in their rationale, R&I said that the Engineering and

Brand Finance

Samsung C&T Makes Brand Finance’s Top 10 Korean Brands List

Samsung C&T has ranked among Brand Finance’s top 10 most valuable Korean brands list, rising five spots from 2017 and achieving an estimated brand value of approximately $3.98 billion. Samsung C&T was ranked among more than 3,500 brands studied on their strength, risk and potential by the U.K based consultancy.

How Samsung C&T Empowers Youth for a Better Future

No one can know what the future holds, but one thing is for certain – the shape of tomorrow will be dictated by the youth of today. From technological innovations to cultural transformations, young people are the drivers of change. Samsung C&T believes all individuals should be given the best

Samsung C&T Makes 2018 Fortune Global 500 List for Two Consecutive Years

Samsung C&T has joined the world’s largest companies on the 2018 Fortune Global 500 list for the second consecutive year. With annual revenues of $25.9 billion, reflecting a 7% growth rate, the company came in at #458 on the list. The prestigious ranking cements Samsung C&T as a global business

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