

The sights and sounds of France in Everland’s Rose Garden

Did you know that there are hundreds of species of rose and tens of thousands of cultivars? The old poem has it that roses are red, and violets are blue, but nowadays growers are able to breed roses in almost every color and hue. Each year in May, South Korea’s

45-year-old Safari World hasn’t stopped changing and growing

Everland, Korea’s largest theme park, celebrates its 45th birthday this year. From its beginning as Yongin Farmland to the world-class theme park that it has become today, Everland has consistently sought to provide park visitors with the best possible leisure experience. Of all the numerous attractions that Everland has unveiled over the years, Safari

A look back at 45 years of ever-changing Everland, part 2

Originally opened as Yongin Farmland, Korea’s largest theme park Everland has been setting Korea’s leisure trends for almost a half-century. A total of 257 million people have visited Everland since its opening, which means that, on average, the entire nation of South Korea has been to the theme park more

A look back at 45 years of ever-changing Everland, part 1

Korea’s largest theme park Everland turns 45 this month, almost a half-century. The park has been leading Korea’s leisure trends at the forefront of the sector, recording many bests and firsts. Celebrating its 45th anniversary, let’s take a look back at some of the major milestones in the lifetime of

Farewell, Everland Safari World Bus!

Everland is 45 years old this year, and with this, the family-friendly and fun theme park belonging to Samsung C&T Resort Group will unveil a brand new Safari World this spring to allow visitors to see the wild beasts closer than ever before. That means that Everland’s iconic safari bus,

Spring comes alive in Everland amidst countless flowers in full bloom

When the song “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” was written almost 100 years ago by two Americans, it seems unlikely that they were thinking about a theme park in Korea, but if that tune were composed today, it would surely have a line or two about Samsung C&T Resort Group’s Everland

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