Trading & Investment

Indispensable Materials Series Part 7: Coal, Still a Formidable Player
Anyone who has studied the Industrial Revolution will remember learning about the rapid rise of coal and its pivotal role in powering newly developed steam engines, machines, and factories back in the late 18th century. Burning coal has since been an incredibly easy and convenient way for people to generate

How the Shipping Container Reshaped Global Trade
We now have at our fingertips a legion of goods we can order from countries outside of our own. Books, snacks, clothes, you name it. They can all be delivered straight to our doorsteps within a matter of days with just a few clicks online. As consumers, we may occasionally

Samsung C&T’s Accra Office: Unlocking the Potential of West Africa
This is the fifth installment in a series of articles profiling the people and the businesses at Samsung C&T’s branch offices around the world. The following story focuses on Samsung C&T’s office in Accra, Ghana. Please refer to the fourth installment for information about Samsung C&T’s office in Lima, Peru. Traveling

Indispensable Materials Series Part 6: Synthetic Resins Omnipresent
Humankind has come a long way. It has zipped through the Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages, and now appears to be living in the “Plastic Age.” Look around your home, the streets outside, your workplace, and you’ll find it hard to identify a single space free of plastic. Affordability and

Samsung C&T’s Lima Office Reborn: Taking on a Land of Opportunity
This is the fourth installment in a series of articles profiling the people and the businesses at Samsung C&T’s branch offices around the world. The following story focuses on Samsung C&T’s office in Lima, Peru. Please refer to the third installment for information about Samsung C&T’s office in Hong Kong. Back

Lessons from Myanmar CSR: Giving Back and Gaining More
There are plenty of sprawling cities around the world, which see development in downtown areas spill over to residential neighborhoods and eventually to surrounding communities. But that’s not yet the case when it comes to Myanmar’s capital, Yangon. The hustle and bustle of the city comes to a full stop