Trading & Investment

Trading & Investment

Indispensable Materials Series Part 3: How Steel Propels the World

Note: This is the latest in a series of articles on the Samsung C&T Newsroom that examines several key materials, looking at how they are being used by a variety of industries, including trading, technology and construction. Previously in the series, Samsung C&T Newsroom has looked at why copper is such a

Ancient Trade Routes Provide Modern Inspiration for Traders of Today

With tools like browser-based maps, satellites, survey aircraft and drones, we like to think we have explored every inch of the planet, and that the days of pioneering, exploring and discovery now belong to a bygone era. In the world of global trade, however, this simply is not true. The

Indispensable Materials Series Part 1: Why We Can’t Live Without Copper

Note: This is the first in a series of articles on the Samsung C&T Newsroom that will examine several key materials, looking at how these are being utilized by a variety of sectors, including the trading, technology and construction industries. The importance of copper continues to diversify in the modern

Gathering Global Talent Fosters Deeper Trade Understanding

For global corporations with branches all over the world, finding a way to get all employees onto the same page can often prove a challenge. Although a company’s headquarters may have a set of ideals, rules and practices it hopes all its staff can follow, things can often be more

Going Green: How Wind Is Set to Power the Future

The world’s population is growing fast, at a rate of over 1.1 percent per year. In fact, perhaps the only thing growing faster is our thirst for energy consumption. As we become more numerous and affluent, our energy needs have risen by six times in the last 50 years, according

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