renewable energy

Wood Pellet

Indispensable Materials Part 13: What’s Fueling the Demand for Wood Pellet?

While the growth of wind and solar power often grab the headlines, there’s another renewable energy boom that’s emerging from forests and fueled by tree scraps: wood pellets. Made from recycled sawdust and lumber by-products, wood pellets are feeding the global demand to replace fossil fuel for electricity generation and heating. Driven by initiatives to …

Indispensable Materials Part 13: What’s Fueling the Demand for Wood Pellet? Read More »

Five Building Materials that could Transform Skyscrapers

The views expressed in this editorial are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of Samsung C&T Corporation. ____________________ They are the building blocks of the gravity defying skylines, and they give shape to the spaces we work and live in every day. Without diving into hyperbole, skyscrapers form the backbone …

Five Building Materials that could Transform Skyscrapers Read More »

Wind or Shine: The Future of Renewable Energy

The views expressed in this editorial are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of Samsung C&T Corporation. Whole cities powered by wind and solar may no longer be the dream fodder of futurologists. The cost of renewable energy is falling rapidly and a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency …

Wind or Shine: The Future of Renewable Energy Read More »

Samsung C&T Completes Renewable Power Generation Project in Ontario

Samsung C&T’s Trading Group completed construction on the North Kent Wind Farm in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, ending the three-phase construction of its renewable energy project. Started in 2008, the project consists of 10 power plant complexes that have a total capacity of 1,369MW of wind and solar energy, enough to supply 400,000 households. The project stands …

Samsung C&T Completes Renewable Power Generation Project in Ontario Read More »

Embracing Green Growth As a Corporate Identity

It’s been over two years since the United Nations adopted a broad set of goals that are designed to promote sustainable development worldwide. Aptly named Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, they outline specific issues that governments and companies around the world must address in order to root out current problems associated with rampant growth. Of …

Embracing Green Growth As a Corporate Identity Read More »

Indispensable Materials Series Part 8: Palm Kernel Shells, a High-potential Renewable Energy Resource

A few years ago, people would not have believed if you had told them that palm kernel shells (PKS) would one day become a promising green energy resource and trade commodity. Indeed, merchants have been trading in palm oil since at least 3000 BCE, with most regarding PKS as a completely unimportant by-product. But as time …

Indispensable Materials Series Part 8: Palm Kernel Shells, a High-potential Renewable Energy Resource Read More »

How Samsung C&T is Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy

The continued rise of urbanization, industrialization and mass consumption, coupled with a steadily increasing population, has created an insatiable demand for energy. Unfortunately, many traditional energy production techniques are quite labor intensive and pose risks to the earth’s environment. Therefore, many countries are now following a new trend with their energy production policies – one that’s more …

How Samsung C&T is Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy Read More »

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