
Don’t Sweat It! Pick the Summer Activity that Suits Your Taste at Caribbean Bay

If the weight of the sweltering summer is holding you down, why not escape to an oasis and get some reprieve? Enjoying outside activities with family and friends while staying cool at the same time is a great way to beat the summer heat. With a jam-packed schedule and a myriad of rides and events, Caribbean …

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Thrill-seekers Braced for Caribbean Bay’s Mega Storm Return

Caribbean Bay, Korea’s largest water park, has opened a range of exciting outdoor attractions for early summer, including the popular Mega Storm slide. Other attractions opened last month include Tower Boomerang Go and Tower Raft. This follows the opening of all of the park’s indoor facilities and some of its outdoor facilities. Summer visitors are …

Thrill-seekers Braced for Caribbean Bay’s Mega Storm Return Read More »

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